Upholstery in fabric and natural leather: care to take


October 23, 2020

Upholstery in fabric and natural leather: care to take

Upholstery in fabric and natural leather: care to take

We can talk about a chair, a sofa, or an armchair. Whether the furniture has a fabric or natural leather upholstery, you must know how to clean it and treat it appropriately. 

We're not telling you anything new when we say that there is furniture with fabric upholstery and another with natural leather upholstery. As these are different materials, they require other care so that their durability is not compromised. 

That is why we have gathered some essential cares to have in each case. By following them, you ensure that you clean the upholstery regularly and treat it properly so that it does not end up damaged. 

Choosing the right furniture, made of fabric or natural leather, is one idea that makes the difference in home decoration. If you also know how to treat each of these materials correctly, you will never need to renovate your home furniture again.

Care for fabric upholstery 

Cleaning and doing the washing on fabric is simpler than doing it with natural skin. Therefore, it is inevitable that you won't encounter difficulties during the process. There are several types of washings you can do, and there are even some vacuum cleaners prepared to clean fabric upholstery (and that you can use). 

You can wash fabric upholstery in "wet mode," so you only need a cloth (or sponge) moistened in water to do the cleaning. It is not advisable to use detergent in the mixture because it can stain the fabric. Then, you need to repeat the process with a dry cloth. 

You can also wash fabric upholstery in "dry mode." It is advisable to ask for a specialized company's help not to damage the upholstery itself. 

Anyway, you can do either cleaning occasionally, because it is expected that, even without looking, the fabric upholstery is dirty and in need of some cleaning.

You must realize that the care with this material is the same regardless of its color. Having this care means that you can do these washes either on neutral tone fabrics or floral fabrics. 

It is also advisable to always have a padding brush nearby, which prevents the accumulation of residues. Using a brush of this kind, you don't do the wet and/or dry cleaning as much, which is beneficial for the fabric's durability.

Care for natural leather upholstery 

Natural leather is a type of material that requires more excellent care, and that you should do regularly. It is widespread to see, for example, sofas in natural leather, which need washing and treatment at least once a week. 

The best way to care for natural leather upholstery is to clean them with a damp cloth every week. Doing so avoids the accumulation of residues (such as dust or crumbs) that can even damage the skin. 

If you choose to use cleaning products, prefer PH neutral ones since those with more acidity can damage natural skin as soon as they contact it. 

In any case, it is more advisable to stick to water or even with blue and white soap a product so old that yet continues to be effective in removing stains. After applying it, mixed with water, you should pass a dry cloth to finish cleaning. 

Natural leather has been used in upholstery for many decades. The truth is that this is a material that continues to be used as it is synonymous with luxurious environments such as the ones you find in some celebrities' houses. 

Extra care 

There are some extra cares you can have on natural leather upholstery. As we have already said, this material requires more attention than the fabric one which you should nevertheless clean regularly. 

If you have a piece of furniture made of natural leather, you can (and should) moisturize the material and even waterproof it. This way, it guarantees that nothing damages the material and that it resists the passage of time and the use it has. 

To hydrate the natural skin, you need to apply fatty cream on a cloth and pass it on the upholstery entirely something you should do once a year. After moisturizing the natural skin, let it dry and don't sit until all the cream is absorbed.

To waterproof the natural leather upholstery, you should buy products suitable for this purpose, which you can find in any specialty store. 

This care guarantees that, besides avoiding damages and tears in the fabrics or the natural skins, the materials last longer and don't need replacement soon.

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